IT Consulting Minneapolis

IT Consulting Minneapolis: Is it Time to Virtualize Your Company’s Servers?

Server virtualization is one of the hottest topics to hit the IT scene in years. That’s because it offers a multitude of practical advantages to companies that reinvent their server system on a virtualized model. There are three basic models on which servers can be virtualized: a private model, in which the service cloud is located and maintained onsite; a public model, in which the cloud is located and maintained at the location of a service provider; and a hybrid model, which is a mixture of the previous models, and consists of public and private cloud resources.

However, before we address the advantages and disadvantages of each model, let’s focus on the benefits that all of them offer. After you decide whether these benefits are advantages your company needs, Stratosphere Networks — a premier provider of IT consulting in Minneapolis — will help you compare different models of virtualization and see how they stack up against each other. Below are three practical benefits companies receive from server virtualization:

Lower Hardware Maintenance Costs

When you consolidate servers through virtualization, you reduce the number of physical servers that operate in the work environment. Consequently, hardware maintenance costs go down because there are fewer pieces of hardware to service. In some cases, implementing server virtualization allows companies to use fewer IT technicians than before.

Decreased Used of Heating and Cooling Power

Consolidating servers through virtualization can also reduce a company’s utility bills by decreasing the amount of energy used to heat and cool servers. If you only have a few pieces of hardware to consolidate, you may not notice a big difference, but consolidating hundreds or thousands of servers will definitely show up on your company’s utility bill.

Faster Data Recovery Times

Because servers are virtualized using software that creates a cloud in which information from servers is held, mechanical server failures aren’t as problematic as they used to be. Instead of waiting for a server to be fixed, data can be migrated from the cloud onto a new server, and the system can be up and running again within an hour, if not sooner.

Contact Stratosphere Networks Today

If your Minneapolis-based company is considering consolidating its servers with server virtualization, Stratosphere Networkers — a premier provider of IT consulting in Minneapolis — will help you decide which model of virtualization is best for your company’s policies and IT needs. For IT consulting in Minneapolis, call Stratosphere Networks today at (877) 599-3999, or click here to use our contact form.
